11 februari 2014 - Griffith, Australië


It's been nearly a year since the last letters rolled down on these pages. Busy living the dream. Days filled with exploration and new impulses. Sharing intense connections with people you'll never forget.

It didn't take me long to recognize the small fortunes of happiness. Enjoying the spontaneity of getting lost, navigating through unknown places, being pleasantly surprised  by endless roads and having first hand encounters with the world.

You miss flights, you are homeless at times and you miss turns, but every day is a new challenge and I always take life for the win. Not having much possessions drives you to treasure the simple things. Working hard keeps you focussed on your next goal. Every payslip becomes another journey.

You meet every person with the potential they can become your best friend. You embark on boundless adventures with people you've just met. Some of them you forget after a month, others touch your soul and stay with you for years and years to come.

I've learned that travellers are all driven by the same thing, taking what life has to offer and encourage others to do the same. Because in the end, nobody will be as sorry as you, if you don't fight for what you desire.


So here I am today, right in the middle of nowhere. Goosebumps in this unbearable heat. Thoughts crying for action. The need to be fed with excitement, a need for change. But for now all I can do is embrace this beautiful silence.

Picture a massive open field with long grass, nothing there but a lonely house, maybe a tree here and there. And there I am, relaxing in a hammock, watching how the sunrise turns the world around me red, creating the longest shades. No sounds, except for a wild brumby running by, making dusty clouds, giving shape to the horizon.

Even though there is nowhere to go, it is easily to get lost. Lost in a conversation with people that have nothing to say, lost in an endless skyline, lost in time as it seems to go on forever, lost in silence.


I dream away and look back on a year of adventures with a twinkle in the eye. Thousands of indescribable, unforgettable moments flash by, made by incredible people walking on the same path.I became someone for somewhere is always home. Nothing will ever again be black and white, nothing will ever again be out of reach...


One month till Japan... Chaos, another world.
Let the countdown begin!

"We didn't need a story, we didn't need a real world,
we just had to keep walking
And we became the stories, we became the places
We are the lights, the deserts, the faraway worlds"